Autogespot vous apporte une chance de plus vers votre propre supercar

Autogespot vous apporte une chance de plus vers votre propre supercar

La semaine dernière, nous vous avons donné une mission à laquelle vous pourriez gagner les premières places pour la tombola WinYourSuperCar. Ce tirage au sort vous donne la possibilité de gagner votre propre Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG, BMW M5 ou Nissan GT-R. Aujourd'hui, nous annonçons les trois premiers gagnants des billets. Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous n'avez pas gagné cette fois, il va y avoir une autre chance de gagner ces billets!

La question la plus original
La semaine dernière, nous vous avons donné la mission suivante. Imaginez rencontrer le propriétaire d'une supercar dans les rues et vous pourriez lui poser une question, quelle question serait-elle? De nombreuses réponses que nous avons reçu, nous avons choisi trois gagnants dont nous pensons qu'ils sont venus avec la meilleure question. Nous vous contacterons dès que possible, afin qu'ils puissent recevoir leurs billets. Les trois gagnants, y compris leur cause, sont présentés ci-dessous. Ils peuvent bien sûr ne plus participer à des missions à venir, de sorte que laisse plus de chance pour vous!

Winner 1: Erik Hartsema
I would like to meet the owner with his supercar under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This is an amazing place with a lovely atmosphere and of course…. one of the best places to shoot some photos of his super car with the beautiful scenery of Paris and the Eiffel Tower. What I would ask the owner? That's pretty simple…the question I would ask him is:

"When you were young, did you wake up every day and fall asleep every night thinking of having your own super car…and have you never let go of this dream until the day you could fulfill your dream and buy it?"

For me this is an important question, because if his answer would be "yes", this would mean that if I never stop dreaming about having my very own super car and I work very hard everyday, I can fulfill my dream and one day buy myself a "well earned" BMW M5. Even more important, prove everyone else that ambition is priceless and you can achieve anything you want if you are committed to it."

Winner 2: Francesco Ronfini
I'm walking around the casino in Cannes, when suddenly a loud noise of exhausting straight pipes from a Carrera GT makes me turn around and watch it in awe. This stunning beauty stops on the side of the road to go fo a walk down to a beach club. First comes out a girl, more like a model than a normal girl. From the other side the driver in his 50s but still looking like a badass who never has to ask anything. I approach him immediatly, gotta ask him something about this wonderful and rare ride.

"I see you have Awe Tuning's Straight Pipes on your GT, quite an amazing car. But now you know, I've recognized it just from the sound, there's nothing i could ask you i don't already know. So just leave out the bullshit and let's cut straight to the thing anyone cares about: you got her - hinting at the girl - downshifting on the riviera isn't it? How many other girls did you get with this chick magnet?"

Autogespot brengt jullie een stap dichterbij je eigen droomauto Winner 3: Patrick Tóth
"So, you guys at Autogespot want us to come up with a situation including the location and our question to the supercar owner. For me it's not going to be just imaginary stuff because I had the chance to talk to a GT-R owner not so long ago. Maybe the story is a bit long but I think it's worth reading.

The situation was the following: I live in Budapest, but originally I'm from a town located in the southeast part of Hungary, so every once in a while I hop onto my Yamaha XT660 and I ride home to say hi to the family and meet friends. There is one very tiny town on the way, which has a small steel factory. Next to this factory there is a gas station which has a parking lot where you can always see a white GT-R. That car is just jaw dropping, mine would be the same: Pearl White GT-R Black Edition. After seeing this car several times I felt like I have to find out who is the owner and talk to him, so I went to the gas station and asked the cashier if she knows anything. She said the owner of the factory owns that car, he is a nice guy and a real petrolhead so he will talk to me for sure. This made me even more curious, so I immediately went to his office. When his assistant asked me why I would like to talk to him I told her it's about the car, she replied her boss is having a meeting but she went and told him somebody is there to talk about his car. And after just a minute, the guy appeared with a big smile asking me what's up! Even though we never met before and I am just a 23 year old university student he was very friendly and we talked about cars and trackdays for half an hour, it was a very nice experience.

Obviously I had many questions, but the one I would ask if I could only ask one: "How did it feel like to push the throttle of his brand new GT-R for the first time?". He said it's like a bungee jumping, one cannot imagine that particular amazing euphoric feeling until he experiences it. I hope I can try it one day!"

Avez-vous photographié un des WinYourSuperCar -cars ? B>
Une chance est passé, mais il y'a bien sûr plus de chances de gagner un billet ! Cette semaine, vous avez la chance de gagner un autre billet , en nous envoyant , Emil [at] , votre meilleure photo à partir d'une C 63 AMG Coupé Mercedes -Benz, BMW M5 F10 ou Nissan GT- R . Il est important pour vous de savoir que vous devez avoir au moins 18 ans et un habitant de l'Union européenne . Lorsque vous envoyez votre meilleure photo , s'il vous plaît faites -nous savoir ce que votre nom complet est et dans quel pays vous vivez . Vous pouvez envoyer des photos jusqu'à lundi prochain, 21h00 ( CET) . Les trois meilleures photos reçoivent un ticket pour le tirage au sort !

En plus de remporter une voiture de rêve , l'organisation donne aussi une attention particulière aux spotters de voiture. L' observateur de la voiture avec le plus de voix à la chance de gagner € 3.000. La participation est gratuite , alors assurez- vous de vous inscrire avec votre compte Autogespot!

Autogespot brengt jullie een stap dichterbij je eigen droomauto

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